Penis Festival in japan - Interesting facts about Japan

1. Japan had almost 6,800 Islands.

2. Japan has More than 3,000 McDonald's Restaurant.

3. Japanese Population Eat More Fish than any other People in the world.

4. In Japan there are More seniors than kids.

5. More Funny Japan has a Penis Festival.


The festival is known as Kanamara Matsuri, which means something like “the festival for the phallus of steal”.
The festival is celebrated in the Japanese city of Kawasaki on the first Sunday in April. In short, just about everything, including candy, vegetables and decorations have the shape of the male reproductive organ or other things related to fertility

6. There occur More than 1500 Earth quakes in a Year.

7. While meeting a friend You have to Bow instead of shaking hands.

8. Tokyo is the Biggest City in the world

9. Sometimes when Trains are Full The train attendant has to shove the passengers inside in order to close the door.

10. Literacy Rate in Japan is very high.

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