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Indians made Alexa recite Hanuman Chalisa

Indians made Alexa recite Hanuman Chalisa 4 times per minute in 2020. Move over, Arvind Kejriwal

Hanuman Chalisa has been making headlines in the past week, with Arvind Kejriwal reciting the devotional song on national TV to it being the most requested song from Alexa.

One thing that Alexa is known for is its on-demand music quality. Users requested over 1,000 songs every minute last year.

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According to Amazon, the most requested song was Hanuman Chalisa with it being requested more than 4 times in a minute. Baby shark followed in the second position with three times per minute and the famous Punjabi track Lamberghini finished in the third spot.
The users of Alexa have also confessed their love to the device ample amount of times in the last year. With Valentine's Day right around the corner, this is the best news on the Internet today.

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According to ANI, "Alexa, I love you," was confessed once every minute and "Alexa, will you marry me?" was asked once every second minute in 2019.
Seems like Alexa received a lot of love in the last year. That is not all, in order to have a proper conversation with Alexa, people even shared pleasantries with the artificial intelligence device. Users asked, "Alexa, how are you?" 8 times every minute and "Alexa, kaisi ho?" per minute.

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