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Is your urine Yellow know the Treatment

Is your urine Yellow?
IS your urine turning dark Yellow? 

If yes, Don't worry we are here to help you to take out you from this problem.

Your body is mostly composed of 60% Of water. When you drink water you generally lose water through drinking, Breathing, sweating and more. Our body uses water in all its cells, Organs and tissues to regulate it's temperature and to maintain other body functions.

Well water is important to remove waste products from the body and mentioned earlier to help to maintain body process and to get rid from any toxins.

Let's back to our Question why the color of our pee turning yellow?

It is because of we don't drink enough water. If your urine color is turning dark Yellow try to drink a couple of water glasses. The color of your urine is best example if you are drinking enough fluids. If your urine is still dark Yellow after drinking a couple of glasses of water then you should genuinely consult a doctor. Even experts believe a person should drink water in a day almost 2L.

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