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Baisakhi Festival 2020 | Baisakhi wishes

Baisakhi Festival 2020

Baisakhi Festival

Baisakhi also known as Vaisakhi is a religious festival in Sikhism. It is usually celebrated on 13 or 14 April every year, which commemorates the formation of khalsa Panth of warriors under Guru Gobind Singh sahab in 1699.

Baisakhi 2020

Vaisakhi marks the starts of the khalsa in Sikhism. This was in 1699 that the khalsa was created so this is the beginning of khalsa. On Vaisakhi, Gurdwaras are decorated and hold kirtans. Sikhs on this day take bath before going to local Gurdwaras, Community fairs and Nagar kirtan professions are held and people gather to socialize and share festive foods.

Baisakhi 2020

Vaisakhi is a harvest festival for people of the punjab region. Vaisakhi marks the ripening of the rabi harvest in the punjab. Vaisakhi also marks the punjabi new year. This day is observed as thanksgiving day by farmers whereby farmers pay their tribute, thanking God for the Abundant harvestand also praying for future prosperity.  The harvest festival is also characterised by the folk dance , Bhangra which traditionally is a harvest dance.

Vaisakhi Bhangra 

People celebrate baisakhi all over the punjab by going to Gurdwaras and distributing 'kada prasad' among family members, friends and relatives. Religious processions led by the panj piaras or the five religious men are taken out in various cities and provinces.

In punjab during Baisakhi all educational institutions, business, Govt offices remain closed during the day. Besides the Shops and hotels offer more discounts on this day.

Baisakhi Dance

Happy BAISAKHI 2020: Wishes, Messages, Quotes, Images, Facebook and whattsapp status.

  • Accept my warmest wishes for you this baisakhi may you have a beautiful year ahead.
  • May you harvest all the fruits of hardwork from the previous year. Happy Baisakhi!
  • Baisakhi is the day of happiness, Baisakhi is the day of celebration, Baisakhi is the day for fun. Best wishes for Happy Baisakhi!
  • From miles away I am sending my heartiest wishes your way. Happy Baisakhi!
  • May this Baisakhi bring you joy, love, prosperity and wealth. Happy Baisakhi!

Women Traditionally dressed for Baisakhi/Vaisakhi
  • First wishes from me. Happy Baisakhi!
  • May baisakhi bring lots of happiness and good luck for you. Happy Baisakhi!
  • Wishing you a Happy Baisakhi!
  • Hope your baisakhi is filled with lots of fun and merriment. Happy Baisakhi!
  • The baisakhi celebration is waiting for my friend, come home soon. Happy Baisakhi!
Nagar kirtan on Baisakhi

  • May God bless your family, my heartiest wishes for Baisakhi. Happy Baisakhi!
  • Have a great and prosperous baisakhi may all your wishes come true. Happy Baisakhi!
  • I wish my friend enjoys good health, wealth and happiness in his life always. Happy Baisakhi!
  • Why you are single and alone, it's baisakhi time come out and have fun. Happy Baisakhi!
  • Hug your friends, forgive your enemie and make new bindings. Happy Baisakhi!
  • The fun of baisakhi is spread in the air, get yourself soaked in it and be part of the celebration. Happy Baisakhi!
Bhangra dress on Baisakhi
  • Happy Baisakhi, to all my dear friends who have made my day.
  • Happy Baisakhi to you and your family have a reward full year and lots of accomplishments.
  • Come on stage and show us your Bhangra style. Happy Baisakhi!
  • Happy Baisakhi to you and your family.
  • Can't wait to dance on this day. Happy Baisakhi!

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